Why wait for tomorrow?
Life waits for no one, if yours isn't going the way you want it to, if your not chasing after what you want to pursue, if you wake up with immediate dread constantly saddened or stressed about the hours ahead, getting through the days experiencing the feelings of hate and regret feeling lost, holding back what you want to say or do, with the intention of waiting just "one" more day to be yourself. Your dreams and hope put on hold to be accomplished or fulfilled, one day... maybe when you are older, you aren't doing it right, you are not living life by just living for the next day. Eventually is not okay. Why tomorrow when there is today?
I refuse to live a life that I regret. I refuse to hope for better in my future, when I have complete control of making the right here and now the best possible. None of us no who long we will live or what our life will become of. The future is as bright as you let it shine. Don't be tricked by seeing it dimly. Don't be fooled that where you are now in this moment is all you get. Move forward in the direction that you are happy with. Like everyone else I am still figuring my self out and I think it will be a life long journey. I amaze myself by doing things that I thought I would never be able to do. This path I'm walking is clearer than ever before. By staying true to myself I honestly feel like there is nothing I can't do. Overcoming our biggest fears is hard and something we shy away from. We have to step into our growth zone which might not be that comfortable in order to grow and be successful. We must seriously examine whatever it is that may be holding us back. What are your barriers? What is holding you back from doing what you want you want to do, say or be, but feel you shouldn't based on the expectations and limitations from others and within yourself. If you keep coming back to the path in your life that you are afraid to take, try taking it. The what-ifs are holding you back in fear, just do it. The moment of taking the path is when you can know the truth about yourself, and understand yourself better. I've never been more happy with myself during my 16 years of my life. It has taken me along time to accept myself and who I am. Just like recovery you have the good days, bad days and better days. Same goes for the acceptance of myself, some days I accept myself more or less than others. Which is okay, its apart of life and I'll be experiencing self acceptance for the rest of my life. I've spent almost 16 years wishing I had done this, regretting not taking the risk of doing, or saying what I wanted to and not being who I wanted to be. Having fear control my life telling me "don't do or say that, people will judge you and hate you for it." "Why be yourself when you will be hated or judged for being too different for others acceptance?" "You need to fit in, be popular, to be liked." I lived for others acceptance, which was unrealistic expectations that controlled me. I have realized that the most importance acceptance and love is from myself. Not being myself, not doing or saying what I wanted to hurt me a lot and has ended me in a lot of pain that I have to work through and accept. I grew up thinking that I wasn't good enough to be worthy of love because I wanted to do, say and be myself which "will be hated/judged." The limitations and expectations within myself and from others around me pulled me down, keeping me from being myself. I regret not chasing my dreams sooner, but I don't let it hurt me. I try to live in the moment which is hard but way more rewarding and overall leads to a happier life. Regret is ignoring a path you shouldof taken. Don't hesitate. I strive for living in tune with my best self which is hard but I haven't been this happy in 16 years. And thats what I wish for you: to start living today, not tomorrow.
Live your life as if it was your last. "Never allow waiting to become a habit. Live your dreams and take risks. Life is happening now." Change your life, create a life that is worth living to you. Why be stuck in a life full of unhappiness and wishes for a better life when you can change your life now. You only got so long in this life, nobody knows how long you will live. Don't wait "one" more day when it becomes too late. Live this day as if it was your last. Life is precious, take risks, be yourself, make the best out of the now. Don't wait another day to live your life when you have now. Life waits for no one. Live in the moment when we have the now.